Stéphane Lhuissier

Stéphane Lhuissier

Research Economist

New Papers

"Revisiting the Dynamic Impact of Asset Purchases: A Survey-based Identification.", with B. Nguyen. 2024. Revise & Resubmit at Journal of Applied Econometrics.
 [Local copy]  [BdF working paper]  [Slides]  [Asset purchases shocks + Proxy]

"The Risk of Inflation Dispersion in the Euro Area.", with F. Tripier and A. Ortmans. 2024.
 [Local copy]  [BdF working paper


Publications in Refereed Journals

"Financial Conditions and Macroeconomic Downside Risks in the Euro Area.", European Economic Review, 2022.
 [Local copy]  [Link to document]  [BdF working paper]  [Program and data files]

"Regime-dependent Effects of Uncertainty Shocks: a Structural Interpretation.", with F. Tripier. A previous version, entitled "Do Uncertainty Shocks Always Matter for Business Cycles?" is replaced by this new version. Quantitative Economics, 2021.
[Local copy]  [Link to document]  [BdF working paper]   [Program and data files]

"Monetary Policy and Corporate Debt Structure.", with U. Szczerbowicz. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2021.
[Local copy]  [Link to document]
  [BdF working paper]  [Program and data files]

"The Regime-switching Volatility of Euro Area Business Cycles.", Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2018.
[Local copy]  [Link to document]  [CEPII working paper]  [Program and data files]

"Financial Intermediaries' Instability and Euro Area Macroeconomic Dynamics.", European Economic Review, 2017.
[Local copy]  [Online appendix]  [Link to document]  [Program and data files]

"On the Stability of Calvo-style Price-setting Behavior.", with M. Zabelina. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2015.
[Local copy]  [Online appendix]  [Link to document]  [Program and data files]


Other Writings

"Measuring the Underlying Component of Inflation.", with M. Fontes Baptista and M. Mogliani. Bulletin de la Banque de France, no. 253/5, 2024.
[English version] [French version]

"What does an Inversion of the Yield Curve tell us?.", with M. Bussière. Bulletin de la Banque de France, no. 250/3, 2024.
[English version] [French version]

"Employment and the Conduct of Monetary Policy in the Euro Area.", with workstream members. ECB Occasional Paper Series, no. 275, 2021.
[Link to document]

"Taux d'intérêt bas, quelle responsabilité de la politique monétaire ?.", with O. Garnier and A. Penalver. Risques, no. 120, 2019.
[Version française]

"Uncertainty and Macroeconomics: Transmission Channels and Policy Implications.", with L. Ferrara and F. Tripier. Rue de la Banque no. 61, 2018.
[English version]  [French version]

Uncertainty Fluctuations: Measures, Effects, and Macroeconomic Policy Challenges.", with L. Ferrara and F. Tripier. CEPII Policy Brief, 2017.
[Link to document]

"L'impact du resserement monétaire américain sur les économies émergentes.", with A. Cheysson and F. Tripier. La Lettre du CEPII, 2016.
[Version française] [Interactive website]

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